Awesome List Of Online Tools For Android Developers

Naveen T P
Published in
6 min readJul 31, 2018


Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

There are lot of articles out there which lists the top tools for Android development. But here I’ll list only “Online tools”, each of which serves most of our purposes in software development life cycle. The provided list of tools is in no particular order.

Let’s dive in..


1. Figma — Turn Ideas Into Products Faster

One of the best design and prototyping tools which I have ever come across. As the tagline says, you can literally turn your ideas into the product in minutes. The Team can easily collaborate, design, prototype, present mocks with the help of this awesome tool.


2. InvisionApp — Design better. Faster. Together

Invision allows users to design, prototyping, sharing and presentation, feedback and commenting, meetings and white-boarding, organization and collaboration and what not. As a developer/designer, you can get started with a basic free plan.


3. Zeplin — Connected space for product teams

Yet another online design tool - Zeplin is a collaboration tool, built for UI designers and frontend developers. Designers can turn their designs into specs and guidelines, and developers can generate platform-related code snippets.


Few other tools which are worth mentioning Mockflow,


1. Android Starters — Handcrafted starter projects from the community

An awesome online tool by Ravindra Kumar and Shivam Chopra, which creates an android project based on your choice of architecture, eliminating all of the boilerplate code beforehand. All these are 3 clicks away. Read the supporting medium article here.

Android Starters

2. Material palette — Material color palette generator

Color is what it makes an app look beautiful. If you are getting started with an application and wonder which primary colors to choose? You can decide it better with material palette. It also provides icons and color variant.

Material palette

3. AndroidAssetStudio — Icons generator online tool

An awesome collection of tools provided by Roman nurik, to easily generate a variety of icons for your Android app. This tool comes in handy when you are creating a set of icons for your newly created app.

Android Asset Studio

4. Android SDK search — Chrome plugin

An awesome chrome extension hosted by Roman nurik to quickly search Android SDK from an official developer site. The same you can find it in Android play store, developed by Jake Wharton.

Android SDK search

5. Gradle, Please — Find the right dependency

If you are using Gradle as your build system for Android applications, you can easily add your external libraries/dependencies just by adding a single line in build.gradle. To further ease the process, you can use this tiny tool to pick precise dependency and use it in your project in seconds.

Gradle, Please

6. Kotlin extensions — Most commonly used Kotlin extensions

If you are a good android developer, you would already be using kotlin in your projects. Kotlin comes with this amazing functionality called extensions(ability to extend a class with new functionality without having to inherit from the class). This tool has curated list of most commonly used kotlin extensions. Give it a try.

Kotlin Extensions

7. JsonStub — Fake JSON REST API

With this tool, As a front end developer, you can create your customized fake JSON requests and responses while backend is still being developed. Awesome isn’t it? You can now have all your integrations beforehand and test it as per your needs.


Jsonplaceholder — Same categorized tool, which provides free online REST services which are useful when demonstrating code examples, testing new libraries

Testing & Production

1. APK method count — Don’t cross the limit

As an android dev, you must be aware of Dalvik 65K methods limit. This tool come in handy when you want to know the total and per-package methods count in your application.

APK method count

2. Appetize — Run native apps in browser

As developers, we struggle a lot when it comes to testing. We need to take care of all the flavours in android. And to test, we may need to go behind emulators with multiple images which adds up memory. Most of the time, all we need is an online tool which simulates our app. Here it is — Appetize.

Browse. Upload. Test/showcase.


3. Appstore screenshot generator — Create App Store & Google Play images

With this tool, you can now beautify your production app’s screenshots in seconds. The tool allows you to change the background, device frame, fonts, color based on your needs.

Appstore screenshot generator

4. App Launch Pad — Mockup Generator

This tool serves the same purpose as the above tool with more eye-catching templates, but requires signup.

App Launch Pad

Utility & Productivity

1. Android arsenal — Pool of libraries and Tools

Though it can’t be considered as a tool, it’s worth mentioning here as it has curated list of tools and libraries. You can find almost all the open source libraries exclusively available for Android.

Android Arsenal

2. Mindorks App Store — Android libraries, Projects, Tools and Apps

Mindorks is one such awesome community which always amazes me with the open-sourced resources that they contribute. Here is an addition to their contribution — A curated list of Android libraries and tools which allows us to make the best of our choice.

Mindorks App Store

3. Octotree — Chrome plugin

If you are a GitHub lover and read a lot of code, you must have experienced the cumbersome task of browsing through the GitHub files online. You can now ease the process with the help of Octotree extension. Which provides easy-to-navigate sidebar and also supports private repositories. Thank me later😉.


4. RegExr — Learn, Build and Test RegEx

Programmer 1: We have a problem
Programmer 2: Let’s use RegEx!
Programmer 1: Now we have two problems🙄

RegExr comes to the rescue. One of the best tools to learn and solve your regex related problems. It also provides explanations to every bit of your expression.

Few other regex tools : RegEx101, RegExtester.


I hope you will find some of these tools useful and it will help you day in day out. If you like this article, don’t shy away from giving claps. It will motivate me to write more articles like this.

Update: This article has been featured in multiple news letters like Android Weekly #321, Mindorks #10, Awesome Android #111 and AndroidDevDigest #198. Thank you for the overwhelming response.

More online tools and the Github Project are available here. This repo will get updated on daily basis. Please feel free to add more to the list by raising PR.

Happy coding!

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